Wednesday, 5 December 2012

R AND P - Main Types of Music Video

I have found that there are 3 main types of music videos: Narrative based, Performance based and Concept based.

Narrative based music videos have a storyline or plot, and tend to follow that storyline throughout the whole of the video.Such as Lionel Richie 'Hello' .However we do see shots of the band performing the main focus is on the storyline. 

Performance based videos tend to show the band or artists mostly performing there song, possibly at a gig or in a studio setting. Music videos that use this type are Green Day's "American Idiot" and Adele ''Someone like you'.

American Idiot, consists of loads of quick shots of singing, close up of the instruments and wow shots of the american flag and band members being covered in green paint. This type of music video is completed centred around the artist, a good way to introduce/advertise them into the music world with there first single.   

Concept based music videos tend to have no storyline, they are generally a random concept and sometimes tends to not tie in with the band or theme of the song at all. A video that is concept based is OK GO's "Here It Goes Again".

This video is simply 8 treadmills one shot no camera movement and a whole lot of time put into rehearsing the moves. There was not editing involved. Its a fun, captivating way to attract a wider audience. 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

R AND P - Overall Plan

Well to give you an idea about my main overall music video plan.
As I am lucky enough to have my artist star in my video, I have decided to do a purely performance based video to show the angles and shots that I have learnt over the course of the two years in media.

 However I  still am considering a narrative in the video somewhere as I feel this will add more depth to the song and allow people to connect with her lyrics, which is exactly what she wants.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

R AND P - Album Names and Track List

Kim currently did not have an Album name.
As she is a new upcoming artist. So
we went for a coffee and had a few ideas suggested to us. We agreed and came up with the name 'Relationshi*s'

I have also sorted out the running order of her tracks. 

1. Know This
2. King of Hearts
3. After fall
4. Unbreakable
5. That Lady
6 . 'M'

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

R AND P - Forward Planning

Week 1 - Make sure my blog is completely up to date.

Week 2 - Devising my design for my digipak and magazine. experiment with different design and collect audience feedback.

Week 3 - 
Wednesday double lesson - Focus on collecting my props.
Thursday/Fridays lesson - blog my audience feedback.

After the christmas holidays- 
Wednesday double lesson - Filming. Collect snap shots to feature in my Digipack and magazine advertisement.
Thursday/Fridays  - Plan magazine advertisement , experiment with different designs and collect audience feedback. 

Week 1-
Wednesday double lesson - Editing music video. 
Thursday- Finish editing.
Friday- Complete magazine advertisement. 

Week 2 -
Finishing off any incomplete work. 

Saturday, 27 October 2012

R AND P - Location

Planning my location is easy for me. Im very lucky that our school is currently being rebuilt and the facilities we have there are really amazing. I will be filming my music video in our new theatre the high tech lights will give me full control over the lighting hopefully giving a high quality look to my video.

If its not possible to film here I will be using my conservatory its got fantastic lighting and when all the equipments in there it will give it a good unplugged feel to the music video.

Ive also considered some walking shots possibly through a nearby woods close to my house. Considering the lighting as well I will have to make sure that the light outside compliments my aim.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

R AND P - Inspiring Videos

Being able to sing in front of an audience with just a piano is simply unbelievable and being able to reach out to so many people with one song is something I hope I will achieve with Kim and her song.  I really like this video at the end where the glitter falls down, the effect it creates is beautiful and being able to recreate something like that would be amazing. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

R AND P - Talking to the Artist and Sharing my ideas

After talking to Kim, we have both overlooked my ideas for the video and the resources which I will need to create the setting for Kim to 'perform' in. The up coming saturday I will collect my resources and take photos of the resources I have collected.

Here are some photos which I would like to create in shots for my music video. I want the mood to be very calm as the song is about a breakup and overall quite a sad song using lights and candles will create the warm mood which I want to create.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

R AND P - Costume planning

I really wanted Kim to look warm and casual for the video as the she will be in  her recording studio, making the audience know that she feels comfortable and at home in her surroundings. Id also like Kim to wear leggings as this clothing is seen as comfortable and easy to move in. Her look will be what you can stereotypically expect from a girl of her age. Also within the outdoor shots Id like her to be in a casual coat appealing to her target audience.

Ive also considered the rock look, this will make her look more professional and also appeal to my target audience.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

R AND P - Story Board

This is my StoryBoard, here it shows a brief overview of what I envision for my promotional music video. 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

R AND P - Research into my artist


This is Kim performing at Kettering Christmas Lights, here she performed to a couple of hundered people soon after I managed to interview some people on what they thought about Kim and her voice.

Oliver - 24years old - I honestly thought she was brilliant, her voice is very soft which makes people listen.

Jay - 25years old - Well as Im Kims boyfriend, obviously I think shes good.

Jodie - 16years old - Not a big fan.

Elsie- 50years old- A beautiful young girl with a beautiful voice.

This is Kim's beautiful version of David Gray - This Year's Love

Kim Chamberlain - This Year's Love (David Gray)

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

R AND P - Analysis of lyrics - Know This

Kim's Analysis in her own words - Basically I was stuck in a relationship that was slowly going down hill and I knew it was going to end badly but by the same token I didnt want him to get hurt. So I wrote this song to express my feelings and so others in the same situation could relate to my song. The true meaning to the song is based on getting revenge but holding back because of other peoples emotions and feelings getting hurt. 

Ok, let's have it your way
See if I give a damn
And ok, we'll play your games
That change just who I am
Ok, we'll see which one of us wins in the end,
My friend
So let us figure out just what we're gonna do
Cause this shit ain't working out, ya know,
Me and you
And things just aren't the same as they were before

Know this, know this
I'll never forget what we were
Know this, know this,
I didn't want you to be hurt
Know this, I just,
Want you to get what you deserve

Ok, now I'll have my say
See what you think of that
We'll play the games my way and
I'll hurt you right back
Ok, we'll see which one of us wins in the end,
My friend
So let us figure out just what we're gonna do
Cause this shit ain't working out, ya know
Me and you
And things just aren't the same as they were before

Know this, know this
I'll never forget what we were
Know this, know this,
I didn't want you to be hurt
Know this, I just,
Want you to get what you deserve

I could just take the easy route and stay with you,
But no,
I've learned from my past
And I'm sorry but if you ain't right for me
Then we won't last

Know this, know this
I'll never forget what we were
Know this, know this,
I didn't want you to be hurt
Know this, I just,
Want you to get what you deserve

R AND P - Audience research - Song Choice - Kim Chamberlain

As Kim is a beginner in the world of music, shes still trying to promote herself and due to this he audience is very varied she plays music at gigs in pubs, locally due to the fact she won Kfactor and on Youtube.

Having such a varied audience gives Kim the opportunity to attract more people to listen to her and support her as she starts to become a well known artist. Kim and I have decided for her to do her own song called 'Know This'. I also feel I have a great advantage of being able to have my artist perform in my music video. She will also benefit from this by having a useable video to promote herself.

Here is some feedback I collected from one of Kims gigs:

- Kim's voice is very fresh, She's young pretty and i doubt this will be the last I hear from her.

-Its Kims personality that makes her stand out, her voice is very ( same'y )

-Her original songs are brilliant she should stick to writing her own music and get that out there!!!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

R AND P - Changing my mind

After having a long hard think about my music video, I have now decided not to do Missing Andy. I'm now going to be using Kim Chamberlain as my artist, not only has she got an amazing voice but she is also my best friend and is willing to perform in my music video giving me an different edge.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

R AND P - Clips of Missing Andy

 These are just a couple of clips of which I captured when I went to see Missing Andy in August 2012.

R AND P - Missing Andy - Song Choice

Im sure which band I would like to produce a music video for these are MISSING ANDY! Ive decided on there song 'Kings for the weekend'. It been such a hard choice as allof there songs are really really good! But I've finally made my decision! The song is very 'boyish' and I think I will be able to recreate and image of the sort of lifestyle 18-25 year old have not old throught the narrative but also through the performance.

Monday, 11 June 2012

R AND P - Album Research

Missing Andy
Generation Silenced was released on October the 13th 2011. The group are building up there fame as an indie group touring around the UK and pleasing many fans whilst gaining many at the same time.

Missing Andy are a British mod influenced band based in Essex. The cheeky chappys in the group are Alex Greaves, Jonathan Sharpe, Rob Jones, Steve Rolls and Elliot Richardson. The band's debut single "The Way We're Made (Made In England)" reached number 38 on the UK Singles Chart and number 7 on the UK Indie Chart in September 2010.


Kings & Queens is the second album by Londoner singer-songwriter Jamie T, released on September 7, 2009. The album reached #2 on the UK Albums Chart.He is currently signed to Virgin Records, but released his Betty and the Selfish Sons EP on his own Pacemaker Records label. His backing band are called The Pacemakers and he has lately been touring, advertising and releasing material as "Jamie T and The Pacemakers. His genres are UK GARAGE and indie.

Lonsdale Boy Club

Light me up was released in early may 2012. Having toured with a range of artists including Olly Murs the Lonsdale boy club are set to be a big hit in the UK! Also having the likes of Gary Barlow impressed with there style they have now been singed to his record label.
Lonsdale Boys Club(often abbreviated to the initialism 'LBC') are a pop-rock band from London, England. Their sound has been described as a "fusion of disco funk, rock, soul and a little bit of 90’s Brit Pop".

DAVE - Missing Andy (Official Video) from Breaking Point Flix on Vimeo.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

R AND P - Analysis of Beyonce's

Artist - Beyonce
Title of song- If I were a boy
Date of Release- October 12th 2008
Director of music video - Jake Nava 
Genre - R 'n' B / Soul 

There is a strong link between the video and the lyrics to the song, Beyonce is performing whilst also narrating the storyline. The basic plot to the music video is Beyonce and her partner switch places were Beyonce becomes a boy she then takes the stereotypical role on as the bread winner as she becomes a police woman. 

In the beginning of the video, beyonces husband makes her breakfast and he's excited about it, and she kind of doesnt have time to eat. She has a male partner and the video goes through their daily routines. Her husband's at work and has attractive girls flirting with him but he declines their advances. She has a guy flirting with her, and she flirts back.

Beyonce said that at the end of the video, viewers would realize the husband is a police officer and what the female character, had been doing throughout the video is what her husband had actually done to her all along.
MTV News writer Jennifer Vineyard's analysis of the concept concluded, "when we first saw it from a different perspective Beyonce's, behavior seemed more abnormal. And when it's the guy doing everything she just did in the previous scenes, it becomes all too familiar—which is Beyoncé's point.

Monday, 28 May 2012

R AND P- Andrew Godwin

Andrew Goodwin identifies 5 key aspects of a music video that we the audience should look out for which are :

-Thought beats - Seeing the Sound
-Nartrative and Performance
-Relation of Visuals to song
-Technical Aspects of the Music Video
- The Star Image

Thought Beats- Seeing the sound in your head

First Step is to look at the music itself. We must take into consideration the structure of the song e.g Chorus/Verses.

Secondly the voice of the song. The artists voice is extremely unique and can form identity or a trademark that can work really well with the star image. A classic example of this is Mariah Carey he ability to hit ridculously high notes in the 90's was her trademark.

Thirdly Good win also points out the artists mode of address. Songs can be seen as stories and the artists the storyteller, making the music video a two communication device, them telling us a sotry and us listening.

Narrative and Performance

We only tend to get a gist of the meaning of the song then tend to makeup our own idea of what is being told in a music video. Goodwin explains the music videos should ignore common narrative. It is important in their role of advertising.  The artists acting as both narrator and participant helps to increase the authenticity howerver the lip sync and other mimed actions remains the heart of the music videos. The audience need to believe that it is real for this effect to take place.

Relation Of Visuals to song

Illustrate Amplify Disjuncture this technical term means that the meaning of the song is completely ignored there is no link at all from the music lyrics to the video. Daft Punk have a dance beat with not alot of lyrics therefore they have explored music video and created a video in which they simply have a dog walking down the street with various people looking and talking to him.

Technical Aspects

Technical aspects hold the music video together through use of camera work, movement , angle , msie-en-scene, editing, sound and special effects.

Speed-  camera movement, editing, cutting and post production are all forms of use of camera.

Lighting and colour help set modds and emphasise key moments of the song for dramatic effect.
Mise-en-scene- the setting of the music videos is all vital it needs to look authentic to attain professionalisim. Also the use of pathetic phyallasy having the weather coinside with the actors feelings or the mode of the song.

Beats- music videos use cuts to go with the beat or rhythm making the video mor eentertaining.

Star Image

Two very big iconic artists who have an amazing star image are Elvis Preseley and Micheal Jackson.
However Elvis was the first artist to have the 'Star Image' with his quiffed hair broad shoulders and dashing looks his image really helped him to become an amazing phenomanon.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

R AND P- History Of Music - 1990's

The site in 1990s
As I am a 90's baby! I was definitely happy when I was told to research this decade in more depth.

Popular Music in the 1990s saw the continuation of teen pop and dance-pop trends which had emerged in the 1980s. Additionally,hip hop grew and continued to be highly successful in the decade, with the continuation of the genre's golden age. Aside from rap,contemporary R&B and urban music in general remained extremely popular throughout the decade; urban music in the late-1980s and 1990s often blended with styles such as soulfunk and jazz, resulting in fusion genres such as new jack swing and hip hop soul, which were popular.

The 90's also seen the birth of Girl Bands and Boy Bands. With Take that hitting there peak in 1993 they soon became the biggest Boy Band in the country. There first number one 'Pray' reached the charts the 17th of July staying there for 4weeks, then getting knocked off by Freddie Mercury 'Living on my own' after his death in 1991. Take that then went on to have another 2 UKNO.1 hits that year 'Relight my fire' and 'Babe'. 
However the biggest selling number1 of 1993 was Meatloaf with 'Id do anything for love (But I wont do that)' with an incredible 8weeks at Number 1! However Wet Wet Wet blown away 1994 with 'Love is all around' this was number 1 for 15 weeks!!! 


1994 is the year in which girl group The Spice Girls formed. They were signed to Virgin Records and released their début single, "Wannabe" in 1996, which hit number-one in more than 30 countries and helped establish the group as a "global phenomenon". Credited for being the pioneers that paved the way for the commercial breakthrough of teen pop in the late 1990s, their début album, Spice, sold more than 28 million copies worldwide,becoming the best-selling album by a female group in music history. They have sold over 75 million records worldwide, making them the best-selling female group of all time.

By the time of 1998 coming around the chart had seen the likes of All Saints with there first number 1 'Never Ever',  Boyzone with their 4th Number 1 and Run DMC vs Jason Nevis with 'Its Like That' which was at the top for 6weeks. 

B*witched one of my guilty pleasures made their first appearance in 1998 with 'C'est Le Vie' staying at the top for 2weeks!
As the spice girls started to break down, Robbie williams had left Take That and went for a solo career. Achieving number 1 with his amazing single 'Millennium' he gained a massive fan group which then lead him on to release 'Shes the one' in 1999.

Britpop is a subgenre of alternative rock that originated in the United Kingdom. Britpop emerged from the British independent music scene of the early 1990s and was characterised by bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s. The movement developed as a reaction against various musical and cultural trends in the late 1980s and early 1990s, particularly the grunge-phenomenon from the United States. In the wake of the musical invasion into the United Kingdom of American grunge bands, new British groups such as Suede and Blur launched the movement by positioning themselves as opposing musical forces, referencing British guitar music of the past and writing about uniquely British topics and concerns. These bands were soon joined by others including OasisPulpSupergrassSleeper and Elastica.

The MP3 was released in 1993 this allowed people to walk around, whilst listening to their favourite tunes!

The invention of the internet changed the way music is listened to completely, the likes of YOUTUBE and downloading music came to life which also bought about illegal downloading. 

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

R AND P - Me the Consumer of Music

There are many ways in which I consume music the main one being the Radio or my i-pod and sometimes Youtube.  Having Youtube makes the music I enjoy a lot more easier to access. My music tastes are very broad to be honest from reggae to pop there is not much that I do not like apart from Screamo and Rock I cant stand the loudness. The main artists that appeal to me are: Olly Murs, Jessie J, The Script, Ceelo Green, UB40,  Beyonce, Plan B,  Adele, Take That and Oasis. The age in which we live in now is dominated by the charts having the top 10 updated to us every sunday on the radio and constantly on music channels throughout the week having the easy access to the charts allows us to know whats HOT and whats NOT!.

My tastes in music have been heavily influenced by my mum and dad. My Mum listens too Take That, Robbie Williams, Oasis, Adele and many more most of which being in the charts. My Dad on the other hand is a massive reggae fan! UB40, Bob Marley, Bitty McClean and Inner Circle. 

A2 Set Brief

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the three following options :

- a website homepage for the band
-digipak for the albums release
-magazine advertisement for the digipak