Monday, 28 May 2012

R AND P- Andrew Godwin

Andrew Goodwin identifies 5 key aspects of a music video that we the audience should look out for which are :

-Thought beats - Seeing the Sound
-Nartrative and Performance
-Relation of Visuals to song
-Technical Aspects of the Music Video
- The Star Image

Thought Beats- Seeing the sound in your head

First Step is to look at the music itself. We must take into consideration the structure of the song e.g Chorus/Verses.

Secondly the voice of the song. The artists voice is extremely unique and can form identity or a trademark that can work really well with the star image. A classic example of this is Mariah Carey he ability to hit ridculously high notes in the 90's was her trademark.

Thirdly Good win also points out the artists mode of address. Songs can be seen as stories and the artists the storyteller, making the music video a two communication device, them telling us a sotry and us listening.

Narrative and Performance

We only tend to get a gist of the meaning of the song then tend to makeup our own idea of what is being told in a music video. Goodwin explains the music videos should ignore common narrative. It is important in their role of advertising.  The artists acting as both narrator and participant helps to increase the authenticity howerver the lip sync and other mimed actions remains the heart of the music videos. The audience need to believe that it is real for this effect to take place.

Relation Of Visuals to song

Illustrate Amplify Disjuncture this technical term means that the meaning of the song is completely ignored there is no link at all from the music lyrics to the video. Daft Punk have a dance beat with not alot of lyrics therefore they have explored music video and created a video in which they simply have a dog walking down the street with various people looking and talking to him.

Technical Aspects

Technical aspects hold the music video together through use of camera work, movement , angle , msie-en-scene, editing, sound and special effects.

Speed-  camera movement, editing, cutting and post production are all forms of use of camera.

Lighting and colour help set modds and emphasise key moments of the song for dramatic effect.
Mise-en-scene- the setting of the music videos is all vital it needs to look authentic to attain professionalisim. Also the use of pathetic phyallasy having the weather coinside with the actors feelings or the mode of the song.

Beats- music videos use cuts to go with the beat or rhythm making the video mor eentertaining.

Star Image

Two very big iconic artists who have an amazing star image are Elvis Preseley and Micheal Jackson.
However Elvis was the first artist to have the 'Star Image' with his quiffed hair broad shoulders and dashing looks his image really helped him to become an amazing phenomanon.

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