Wednesday, 5 December 2012

R AND P - Main Types of Music Video

I have found that there are 3 main types of music videos: Narrative based, Performance based and Concept based.

Narrative based music videos have a storyline or plot, and tend to follow that storyline throughout the whole of the video.Such as Lionel Richie 'Hello' .However we do see shots of the band performing the main focus is on the storyline. 

Performance based videos tend to show the band or artists mostly performing there song, possibly at a gig or in a studio setting. Music videos that use this type are Green Day's "American Idiot" and Adele ''Someone like you'.

American Idiot, consists of loads of quick shots of singing, close up of the instruments and wow shots of the american flag and band members being covered in green paint. This type of music video is completed centred around the artist, a good way to introduce/advertise them into the music world with there first single.   

Concept based music videos tend to have no storyline, they are generally a random concept and sometimes tends to not tie in with the band or theme of the song at all. A video that is concept based is OK GO's "Here It Goes Again".

This video is simply 8 treadmills one shot no camera movement and a whole lot of time put into rehearsing the moves. There was not editing involved. Its a fun, captivating way to attract a wider audience. 

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