Tuesday, 28 August 2012

R AND P - Audience research - Song Choice - Kim Chamberlain

As Kim is a beginner in the world of music, shes still trying to promote herself and due to this he audience is very varied she plays music at gigs in pubs, locally due to the fact she won Kfactor and on Youtube.

Having such a varied audience gives Kim the opportunity to attract more people to listen to her and support her as she starts to become a well known artist. Kim and I have decided for her to do her own song called 'Know This'. I also feel I have a great advantage of being able to have my artist perform in my music video. She will also benefit from this by having a useable video to promote herself.

Here is some feedback I collected from one of Kims gigs:

- Kim's voice is very fresh, She's young pretty and i doubt this will be the last I hear from her.

-Its Kims personality that makes her stand out, her voice is very ( same'y )

-Her original songs are brilliant she should stick to writing her own music and get that out there!!!

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