Wednesday, 23 May 2012

R AND P - Me the Consumer of Music

There are many ways in which I consume music the main one being the Radio or my i-pod and sometimes Youtube.  Having Youtube makes the music I enjoy a lot more easier to access. My music tastes are very broad to be honest from reggae to pop there is not much that I do not like apart from Screamo and Rock I cant stand the loudness. The main artists that appeal to me are: Olly Murs, Jessie J, The Script, Ceelo Green, UB40,  Beyonce, Plan B,  Adele, Take That and Oasis. The age in which we live in now is dominated by the charts having the top 10 updated to us every sunday on the radio and constantly on music channels throughout the week having the easy access to the charts allows us to know whats HOT and whats NOT!.

My tastes in music have been heavily influenced by my mum and dad. My Mum listens too Take That, Robbie Williams, Oasis, Adele and many more most of which being in the charts. My Dad on the other hand is a massive reggae fan! UB40, Bob Marley, Bitty McClean and Inner Circle. 

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