Wednesday, 21 November 2012

R AND P - Overall Plan

Well to give you an idea about my main overall music video plan.
As I am lucky enough to have my artist star in my video, I have decided to do a purely performance based video to show the angles and shots that I have learnt over the course of the two years in media.

 However I  still am considering a narrative in the video somewhere as I feel this will add more depth to the song and allow people to connect with her lyrics, which is exactly what she wants.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

R AND P - Album Names and Track List

Kim currently did not have an Album name.
As she is a new upcoming artist. So
we went for a coffee and had a few ideas suggested to us. We agreed and came up with the name 'Relationshi*s'

I have also sorted out the running order of her tracks. 

1. Know This
2. King of Hearts
3. After fall
4. Unbreakable
5. That Lady
6 . 'M'

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

R AND P - Forward Planning

Week 1 - Make sure my blog is completely up to date.

Week 2 - Devising my design for my digipak and magazine. experiment with different design and collect audience feedback.

Week 3 - 
Wednesday double lesson - Focus on collecting my props.
Thursday/Fridays lesson - blog my audience feedback.

After the christmas holidays- 
Wednesday double lesson - Filming. Collect snap shots to feature in my Digipack and magazine advertisement.
Thursday/Fridays  - Plan magazine advertisement , experiment with different designs and collect audience feedback. 

Week 1-
Wednesday double lesson - Editing music video. 
Thursday- Finish editing.
Friday- Complete magazine advertisement. 

Week 2 -
Finishing off any incomplete work.